Oct 13, 2023Liked by The Ballad of Pearl and Spike

Thank you, Betsy. A great essay. We've been there with so many rescued cats and dogs. One of life's most challenging challenges is to say goodbye to them. They live forever in our hearts. The one difference between saying goodbye to an animal refugee is that we look back fondly on all their traits--good and bad. Whereas, with people, we're less forgiving and complain about how annoyed us regardless of whether they're alive or dead.

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Thank you grumpy vegan! You make me LOL.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by The Ballad of Pearl and Spike

I was so happy to see and read this new entry just now because I've been meaning to get in touch..... I read your last two entries while traveling and was so preoccupied with the pleasure of new sights that I didn't find time to comment on your delightful posts. Let me just say now that I will never forget the wonderfully enigmatic line, "Peter is a soft man", nor your brave rescue of Spike from the coyotes.

I trust you know how that your pieces here are highly entertaining, filled as they are with humor, drama, and, let me sum it up, love. All those things embedded in engaging narratives played out within your family and ,of course, in various human/canine relationships. I deeply appreciate your engaging turns of phrase and your attention to details. But perhaps what's most rewarding about reading these pieces is experiencing vicariously your deep devotion to your dogs. It's a beautiful thing!

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Welcome home! You were missed. XXXXXXXXXXX

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What a great piece! Very moving.

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